Leave a Legacy Gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters

A Gift in Will or legacy gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal: Impact, Tax Benefits and How to.

You have more power to make a difference than you think.

By considering a legacy gift to our charity, you are making a lasting commitment to our mission.

Discover how your legacy can shape a brighter future for the next generation in our community, providing ongoing support for youth mentoring, and the resources necessary for every young person to reach their full potential.

Why make a legacy?

Your gift can be much more than a simple transfer of assets. By choosing to make a legacy gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal, you’re investing in the future of young people in our community.
Your act of generosity can provide life-changing opportunities, inspire hope and build meaningful relationships that endure over time.
Every bequest helps support our mission of matching young people with caring mentors, creating a lasting positive impact for generations to come.
Join us in our commitment to building a future where every young person has the opportunity to realize their full potential.

Faire un don à la prochaine génération
Legs à Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Grand Montréal

How to make a legacy?

Making a legacy gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal is easier than you think. Here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Reflection and planning: Take time to think about your values and the impact you want to have. Consult your family and a legal advisor to discuss your wishes.
  2. Will drafting: Include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal as a beneficiary in your will. You can designate a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or specific assets.
    Example: “I bequeath to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal (charitable registration number: 107617565 RR0001) having office at 3155 Rue Hochelaga #202, Montreal, H1W 1G4 (Quebec), the sum of $[amount], [percentage] % of my patrimony (or name of assets), in order to support the highest priority needs of this organization.”
  3. Legal advice: The content presented here is for information purposes only. Consult a legal professional to ensure that your will is properly drafted and complies with current legislation.
  4. Notify us: If you decide to make a legacy in your will to our organization, please let us know. We would be honoured to welcome you to our circle of benefactors and thank you for your generosity.
  5. Update regularly: Be sure to update your will as needed, especially if your life or philanthropic wishes change.

What are the tax advantages of a legacy?

Making a legacy to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal can offer attractive tax benefits. By choosing to support our cause, you may benefit from reduced estate taxes and a charitable donation tax credit. In addition, bequests in kind can eliminate capital gains tax.

Consult a professional for advice tailored to your situation. By making a gift in kind, you’re investing in the future while benefiting from tax advantages.

Would you like to know more about testamentary gifts or legacies?
Talk to your notary or write to us.

Charitable organization – Registration number: 107617565 RR0001
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal
3155 Hochelaga Street #202, Montreal, QC H1W 1G4

Your legacy can change lives. By considering a bequest to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal, you are leaving a lasting legacy that inspires hope and opportunity for the youth of our community. Act now to shape a better future for generations to come.

Make the decision today to leave a legacy to our organization. Contact us for more information on how to proceed and the associated tax benefits. Together, we can continue to support and inspire our young people to reach their full potential.

Your gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal leaves a lasting legacy.
Thank you for your consideration and generosity.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

A legacy is a gift made in a will to support a cause or organization after the donor’s death.
To make a legacy to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal, you must include a specific provision in your will naming our organization as beneficiary.

Making a legacy to a registered charity like ours can offer tax advantages, including reduced estate taxes and a charitable donation tax credit.
Legacies in kind can also eliminate capital gains tax. Consult a professional for tax advice tailored to your situation.

Yes, you can specify in your will how you would like your bequest to be used, whether for a specific program of our organization or for our general mission.

Yes, you can change your will at any time as long as you are capable of making legal decisions.
It is advisable to review your will periodically to ensure that it still reflects your wishes.

A legacy is a gift made after the donor’s death, while a regular gift is a gift made during the donor’s lifetime.
Both forms of donation are important in supporting our organization, but a bequest can offer additional tax benefits and the possibility of leaving a lasting legacy.