We want to protect the people we work with as well as all the members of our team. Due to the preventative measures enacted by all levels of government, we wish to inform parents, volunteers, our partners and the public, that Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal (BBBSGM) is taking precautions to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

With recent school and daycare closures, we will be suspending all activities and workshops for a period of two weeks starting Monday March 16th.

We will continue to monitor and follow all government health and safety measures and we advise our volunteers to apply hygiene measures recommended by Health Canada. In case of symptoms, we ask our volunteers to cancel their meeting and stay home.

For information regarding precautions to be taken and description of symptoms, please consult the Quebec and Canadian government websites:

Quebec : https://www.quebec.ca/en/health/health-issues/a-z/2019-coronavirus/

Canada : https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal

(Source: https://gfgsmtl.qc.ca/)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal is an organization dedicated to the development of children and youth experiencing personal and socio-economic difficulties and their families. It provides professional mentoring services and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that promote healthy living over the long term. Thanks to the involvement of volunteer mentors and donations from Montrealers, the organization currently provides quality mentoring services to more than 1,650 young people. 

To coordinate an interview with Maxime Bergeron Laurencelle (Executive Director of GFGSGM): 
[email protected]  (514) 842-9715, ext. 329