Your donation allows us to carefully select volunteers and match them appropriately with children. It will also help us ensure proper follow-up, strengthen mentoring relationships and, hopefully, make them last until the child graduates from high school.
Donate by cheque:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Montreal
3155 Hochelaga Street #202
Montreal, QC H1W 1G4
* Did you know that when a child is matched with a mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters, their chances to succeed both economically and socially increase significantly. They are 17% more likely to be employed, 63% more likely to have a post-secondary education and 80% more likely to pursue healthy lifestyles. In fact, every dollar invested in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mentoring services returns $18 to $23 to society.
Every $1 invested in personalized MENTORING by BBBS returns $18 to $23 to society*
Donate and make a lasting impact in your community
Studies show that our mentoring services help children stay in school, which can reduce poverty and unemployment in the long term. Mentoring helps children avoid risky behavior such as bullying, which contributes to increase safety both in schools and neighborhoods. In addition, the experience of mentoring itself helps children understand the importance of helping others, which allows them to grow up to become more civic-minded adults.
When donating to our organization, you endorse our mission: having a positive impact on children in your community. We work tirelessly to change these children’s state of mind to give them the ability to achieve more.
Charity organization – Registration number : 107617565 RR0001